Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tech Trek....The End

Well, all the quests are posted and all are completed to the best of my ability. I must say I've enjoyed this learning experience. Some things I already knew about (social networking, tagging, blogging), some things were completely new (Rss feeds, Wikis, online apps) and some I came to know and understand better (you tube, photo sharing, instant messaging).

I've never been much of a goal setter or a learner, but you guys made it some much fun that I have reached my 12 Quest Tech Trek goal and learned a lot on the way. The only suggestion that has come to mind from this whole experience is that it should be repeated. When new employees start or need a challenge...even if only to put on their evaluation. They should be given this opportunity.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Kudos to you Tech Trek committee! Thanks for the experience!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Quest 12....Part 2

Part Two: PodcastsTake a look at one or two of the podcast directories listed and see if you can find a podcast that interests you. See if you can find some interesting library-related podcasts like book review podcasts or library news. Create a blog post about your discovery process. Did you find anything useful here?

I never got to check out the yahoo podcasts but looked at the other two. I liked the feel of Podcast.net best. The first podcast I looked at was knitgail which ended up being very boring and tedious. I didn't even finish it. The next one that caught my eye was Biltmore Insider (http://www.podcast.net/play/52259/1). My sisters and I just took a trip to Biltmore and enjoyed their vineyard very much. The wine tasting was very fun and we learned a lot. As for library related posts, I found several using a keyword search, but nothing was of interest so I didn't finish one. I can see the usefulness to libraries in getting out info to patrons, but unless it was in a very obvious way I don't imagine people searching the web for podcasts about using the dewi decimal system.

My overall opinion is that every one has one (opinion that is) and now there is nothing that will stop them from sharing it (other than not searching in the first place)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Quest 12....Part One......You Tube

You tube is a part of every day online life. You can't surf the web without coming across some video related to a search you've just done or a Myspace profile that doesn't have at least one on it. The site is very easy and strait forward to use if you are conducting a search. I have never made a you tube video but know people who have.

Most of the stuff is mind numbing but every now and then you come across something worth while. But most of the time it's just for fun. I could see the Library using this site to make videos of programs like the one on the Tech Trek blog so the public can know what we do for the community. Video's made could be posted to the library's site and would be a very direct way of showing them what we do.

Due to the recent Harry Potter mania and controversy, I chose this You Tube video. Great satire, especially if you are a fan and can get all their references.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Quest 11....Online apps.

For this Discovery Exercise, participants are asked to take a look at a web-based word processing tool, create a simple document and then write about your discoveries in your blog. Of course, if you're up to a challenge, you might even export your document as an HTML file or publish it through Zoho to your blog. With Zoho and other web-based applications, the possibilities are endless!

Since I'm a member of Google I chose to use their Google Docs. I have never used it before today. I didn't even know it existed, and I have always considered myself pretty up to date as far as computers go.

Anyway, this Friday is Aiden's very first camp out with the cub scouts. (and popcorn is on sale now for anyone interested-I have the order form at my desk ;o) And since we are going camping I figured I would make a list of things for the camp-out.

Haunted Cub Scout Camp Out

Overall I must say I think it is great. I don't know how much I will use it but it's great knowing it's there!

Quest 10.......Just for fun

Dogster or Catster - Social networking for pets! These sites were created to give free web space to our favorite furry friends. Owners can add videos, pictures, and stories to their pet’s web page as well as connect with other pets and their owners. Don’t have a pet? Search for local animals and leave them treats!

I'm not quite sure about the exact purpose of social networking for pets, but it was neat to create a page for my 2 hobbits.

Visit my family
Join the Catster community

Friday, October 12, 2007

Quest 9...... Wiki....Wiki

"What did you find interesting? What types of applications within libraries might work well with a wiki?"
For the discovery exercise I viewed the Book Lovers Wiki and the Library Success: A best practices wiki.
The Book Lovers Wiki was a great idea of the Princeton Public Library inspired by their summer reading program. The participants got to post reviews of the books they read. I think that it is a worthy idea to use as one element of our summer reading program. Classes on Wikis could be offered by TLC as an introduction and it could be utilized by the adult and teen reading programs.
Library Success: A best practices wiki is a good example of a professional networking tool. A good way for Librarians and their fellow assistants to share ideas and experiences relevant to the advancement of Libraries.
Personally I do not see myself using Wikis as of present. It's good to know this resource is out there if I ever do.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Quest 8....Social Networking part 2

"Explore the following social networking sites’ Home Pages and view a few profiles.........Blog about your discoveries...............Which sites did you find easiest to use, which sites would you consider creating an account with..."
BEBO I had never heard of Bebo before this quest but I have heard of MySpace, Facebook, and Friendster. It seemed a bit cluttered for my taste as far as the layouts and the ease of finding things on individual profiles. Like other sites it has musical artists, authors, videos, etc. One thing I really liked was that on the home page it had a blurb about safe social networking and a link you could click on to learn more. It struck me as very responsible.
FRIENDSTER Was a lot less cluttered and had cleaner layouts, I like the featured pictures section, that was neat. Seemed pretty straight forward and the set up reminded me of the way MySpace is set up. If I did not already have a profile on MySpace I might have considered this site.
LINKED-IN Never heard of this site either. It seemed cold boring and pointless.
FACEBOOK Layout reminded me of Friendster. It was clean but personalized and less like a love connection. In the tutorial I liked the notifications of changed friend profiles which is hard to keep up with on MySpace unless you check them regularly or if your friend notifies you. I also liked the fact you could choose how private you want your profile to appear. Instead of blocking every thing from view, it seems you can select what you want the public to see yet keep some aspects private.
MYSPACE This site is where I have my profile. I've had my profile there since 2/1/06 and have been very happy with it. I like being able to personalize my page, yet the privacy settings aren't very flexible. It's either all or none. Blogging on this site from my profile page is great because it guarantees that my friends all know what's going on in my life and they don't have to go to another site to find out about it. They can even subscribe to it and get notified when I post a new one.
"how do you think social networking services could be useful to libraries, etc."
~See Quest 8 Part 1~

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Quest 8....Social Networking part 1

"Take a look at a few and detail your reactions in your Quest 8 blog."

The blogs/articles I looked at were,Building a Social Networking Environment at the Library , Libraries Use MySpace to Attract Teens, How to Talk to Young People about Socializing Safely Online.

I think using MySpace to link libraries is a great idea. It can serve as a way of keeping up with what every one else is doing as well as a way to gain guidance on current library issues that we may not be familiar with. Sharing ideas and socializing with others in the industry.

In my general observations and reading, it seems as time goes by and technology advances, the younger generations are quicker to jump on the bandwagon than the older generations. This being said, it makes perfect sense that Libraries should use MySpace to attract Teens and Tweens. It's a great way of getting them to feel comfortable with the library, our services, our collections and to encourage their reading habits.

At the same time, I believe that one of our additional services should be to educate these young people about online socializing safety. As I was reading that particular article, it occurred to me that a TLC class on the subject would be a perfect setting as well as maybe having programs on the subject which could include the police department speaking on the subject.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Quest 7.....Photosharing

Option A:Take a look around Flickr and discover an interesting image to write a blog entry about.

When I was exploring the "mapping" feature on flicker I looked at our grand city of Charleston and came across a few pictures, one of which reminded me of the events of June 18th's fire. I then did a search for the "Charleston 9" and it pulled up several pictures. All of which brought back memories and feelings I have been dealing with since then. This Picture encompasses all of those feelings.

My husband Todd was there that night. The feelings I had worrying for him and our friends. Once footage started playing on the news channels, every time I saw one of our close friends I couldn't help but say a prayer that they were still safe and that they would remain that way. My heart went out to them. I didn't sleep that night. When Todd finally came home late the next morning, he was changed. The exhaustion, and the burden of loosing men he thought of as family was etched on his face.

When I was told who was lost my heart broke. I either knew them personally, had been introduced to them at one point, or had heard of them in conversations previously. I can't even begin to convey how I felt then or the emotion that wells up now as I look at these photos.

Bottom left is a picture of the blaze in progress. The thought that they didn't know what was yet to happen is my first feeling. Top left is the exhaustion and beginning realization. Top right brings back my memories of the Memorial service. My first thought that Friday morning when I first walked into the auditorium was that it felt unreal. Then as we sat there, it sank in. Who they were, how they lived, who we lost.

Bottom right is the procession of fire trucks. Every day Todd had to report to the parking lot of the Citadel mall. That is where they organized the trucks for the processions. I was only able to make it to one of the funerals. Melvin Champagnes. He went through training with my husband and was his relief for about a year.

When Todd and I arrived to Citadel mall the day of Melvins Funeral. I was touched by the fact that Chick-a-filet's owner was out there supplying EVERYONE with breakfast. Completely free and out of appreciation for the men and their families.

I was told of the story that the night of the fire, he was at the scene and that he along with the help of some others went back and opened one of their stores so they could make sandwiches for all the firemen and rescue workers their that night. I was also told of Pizza stores supplying food for the men as well. And other local businesses pitching in. I was in aww of how the community seemed to have come together.

When it was time, we loaded the buses that were to follow behind the trucks. As we pulled out in the procession, we crossed over Sam Rittenburg Boulevard, past Quadrangle shopping center to Hwy 17. We took a left and I knew we would be passing by the remnants of the Sofa Super Store. When we passed by, I could not hold back my tears.

As we continued along people came out from businesses, stopped their cars in the road and got out, saluted, waved or just stood their in awww. It helped knowing that most people felt some degree of emotion and that it wasn't just us.

But there were those people that stayed in their cars talking on their cell phones and impatiently sped around those that had stopped. Those are the people that don't car until it's them, and when it is, it won't be good enough.

User name Ladybug1016 is the creator of the above picture. I think she did a wonderful job.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

quest 6....Part 2

Technorati. Need I say more? Yeah, I thought so....

First I took a look at Technorati's Advanced Search and tried doing a search for “Library 2.0” in Keyword Search. The results were all different. Keyword Search pulled up many hits but only if they included the word library or 2.0 . It didn't matter if it was really about Library 2.0 only that it had those words. One article that pulled up was
Essex Police send electronic case file details... which had nothing at all to do with Library 2.0.

Next was the Tag Search and that brought up every blog, video, post and photo with those words. But the difference I noticed was that the hits actually seemed relevant. I think it's because the writer/poster/photographer/etc. can actually choose what searches they want it to come up for since they are using their own tags.

In the Blog Directory it pulls up only blogs that contain Library 2.0 and the results seem relevant.

I've perused the popular blogs and blog searches and every so often you might come across something relevant, but overall I didn't find it much fun.

Overall I don't really care for Technorati. I don't think I will be using it, but you never know until you have a need.

Claiming my blog as my own-via Technorati

Technorati Profile

For some reason my user name and password are not processing for the claim so I'm trying this method. I hope it works!

It worked :oD

Monday, September 24, 2007

Quest 6....Part 1

I tried to do the tutorial but both links gave me an error message. That's ok, I had already registered and started using this site a while back anyway, but it would have been nice to view the tutorial.

Hear the praises of the Del.icio.us web site! I originally learned about this site during a TLC class. The fact you can be on any computer and access your personal bookmarks is great! Here is the link to my bookmarks, http://del.icio.us/librarygirlsc .

Mostly knitting or knitting related sites, bill paying, and a few media links I've found helpful.

Update (9/24/07)

Thank you Techtrekker for your prompt suggestion. I have now viewed the "Getting started with Del.icio.us" you tube video and am very glad you directed me to it! I've already learned that I can set my personal stuff (ie. bill paying links) to private. All I had to do was change my settings first and now it gives me that option every time I add or edit. Cool!

Quest 5....Let's Play

I know it isn't mandatory to blog for this quest, but I figured, "Why not?"

I've heard of 4 of the sites listed but before today had only visited 2 of them.

Pandora: Kevin introduced me to this sight a while back. I really like the concept. You tell the site what kind of music/artists you like and then it uses your preferences to select other music for the station you've created. I was just listening to Bananarama "Cruel Summer" on my 80's station I created.

Trip advisor: My sisters and I used this site when finding a hotel in Asheville for our recent trip to Biltmore. It's nice because it has reviews from people who have stayed there before. You do have to take the reviews with a grain of salt because everyone perceives things differently. You can also post candid pic's from your trip to give others an idea of what the hotel really looks like.

Simpsonize Me: This site was promoted by Myspace. I never really gave it much thought but figured I would try it. Since I don't have random shots of me lying around I used one of my son. I must say it didn't look much like him at all. If I find myself with a lack of things to do I may play around with it some more.

Craigs List: I've heard Peter talking about this site many times. He listed his condo on there and had several responses. I think he even rented it to one of the people. This seems to be one of those sites that you would need to have a need for before you used it. Kind of like Trip Advisor.

I have never heard/encountered the others but had fun playing with the sites.

Big Huge Labs Trading Card Maker: Perfect for the proud Parent or Pet owner. If it weren't for the fact that I already buy playing cards of Aiden when he has his sports pics taken, I may have used this. But I may use it for my cats!

Image Chef: Is a great site. Even if you have no graphic arts background, it's so simple it walks you through it. I've already created a graphic for my Myspace page.

Palmetto Biz Buzz: This could end up being a helpful site. I like how it automatically gives you a map to the location.

That's where I stand so far on Quest 5. Thanks for Playing!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Quest 4...RSS feeds

This is what I've been looking forward to; learning about RSS & newsreaders. I started by viewing the discovery resources: Feed Me: A gentle introduction to Internet feeds and Using Bloglines Tutorial (how to keep up with dozens of blogs everyday) , and I found both very helpful. Then I created my bloglines account http://www.bloglines.com/public/librarygirlsckaty.

All I have to say is Wow! This thing is neat! It's kinda like a personal e-mail /favorites list all rolled into one. The best thing is you can access it from any computer easily. Another feature that I like is that it gives you a title and a blurb so you know whether or not your interested in that one or not and can move on through the others. I checked out the other feed search tools just so I could see their format differences and I think I'm more fond of the Feedster site. I think it's great you can do a search on a subject and it will keep track of ALL of them for you!

This is definitely something I will use. Once I started adding feeds it was hard to stop. By time I got to 22 is when I started playing with the Folders feature to organize them. Since I had so many feeds I would find things that I wanted to come back to later and that's when I started playing with the clipping feature. I've found Bloglines to be extremely user friendly. The hardest thing was getting my public bloglines URL!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Quest 3...Ongoing

Well, the article I chose has shed some light on the subject, and I have IMed a few times now. But I still don't think traditional IMing is practical for me, but ...

The article Instant Messaging Planet: FAQ's covered the general subjects of what IMing is as well as the difference between chat room and IMing. And that it is not only PC's to which people are flocking to so as to communicate with others but Cell Phones, PDA's, and other Internet application devices. When I was reading that section It finally clicked that it's all about communication and how you get the words out. Just because I don't sit at a computer sending messages through Yahoo! or MSN doesn't mean that I am out of the loop. I use my cell phone to text constantly through out the day. It's all in what is convenient for you.

As far as my opinion of the article itself, I did find the first few sections very helpful. As for the list of abrieviations, I found it fascinating. It's the beginning of another emerging language. Some abrieviations have been used for awhile when kids pass notes in school and others are relatively new. Either way it's all about communication.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

From Quest 2 on to Quest 3

Well I must admit Quest 2 to is going good. Now if only I were enjoying Quest 3 as much. I get the concept of IMing but I am too busy to be on the computer talking in real time. I'm on the go to much.

I'm beginning to see the differences in the different IM providers and the layouts. It seems Yahoo limits you to your own contacts list and from within those you can make your own chat rooms yet Meebo has various chat rooms you can join in if you don't have any of your friends online or if you just want to make new ones. And Myspace gives you a generic Myspace chat room.

Anyway, I have chosen to view the article Internet Planet Messaging FAQ: and hope that it will shed some light on the subject. Wish me luck!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Quest 1.....Maybe.

I think I've figured out the first quest, but I'm not sure. I have signed up for a yahoo e-mail beta account, and I viewed the "7 1/2 habits of highly effective learners", and am assuming that now I am to choose something to learn about over the next few weeks.

I've never been a very good Goal setter which is why I never make new years resolutions. I gave up my favorite soda for lent one year but that is the only time in current memory that I have kept a specific goal. And since setting a Goal is the first habit I must admit I am least looking forward to that. Habit 7 1/2 will be my favorite. Play! I'm sure that will be everyone's. In my opinion that is the best way to learn...when your not trying too!

Update (8/17/07): Ok, maybe I'm a moron but it just popped into my head that maybe...just maybe, this whole thing is the "new thing" I am to learn about. Tech Trek itself. And as far as goals, I think setting small ones would be best such as say....maybe...each Quest! Thank the lord it's Fri and the weekend is looming ever closer. I hope to come back Monday refreshed to start the RSS Feeds.

The Beginning

It's here! I'm still trying to disypher the whole thing but since it's self paced I'm sure I'll be ok. Well Quest 2 seems to be what I'm doing right now. Blogging....or rambling if I will. I'm not sure what Quest 1 is but I'll reread and find out. I must admit when I saw the list of participants I thought it would have been longer, 2 columns maybe. But there is still time for people to join this Odyssey.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Before there was the beginning...

Before my journey begins officially, I wanted to preview this whole blog thing. Don't get me wrong, I blog on myspace, but that is different. That is more of a brag spot where I post pictures of my son, talk about his sports and so forth. But isn't that the point of a blog anyway?

As stupid as this may sound, I am looking forward to this whole Tech Trek 2.0 thing. I enjoyed the speaker and would like to learn more. I guess we'll just have to wait and see where this whole thing leads us.

Too infinity and beyond!