Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tech Trek....The End

Well, all the quests are posted and all are completed to the best of my ability. I must say I've enjoyed this learning experience. Some things I already knew about (social networking, tagging, blogging), some things were completely new (Rss feeds, Wikis, online apps) and some I came to know and understand better (you tube, photo sharing, instant messaging).

I've never been much of a goal setter or a learner, but you guys made it some much fun that I have reached my 12 Quest Tech Trek goal and learned a lot on the way. The only suggestion that has come to mind from this whole experience is that it should be repeated. When new employees start or need a challenge...even if only to put on their evaluation. They should be given this opportunity.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Kudos to you Tech Trek committee! Thanks for the experience!

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