Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tech Trek....The End

Well, all the quests are posted and all are completed to the best of my ability. I must say I've enjoyed this learning experience. Some things I already knew about (social networking, tagging, blogging), some things were completely new (Rss feeds, Wikis, online apps) and some I came to know and understand better (you tube, photo sharing, instant messaging).

I've never been much of a goal setter or a learner, but you guys made it some much fun that I have reached my 12 Quest Tech Trek goal and learned a lot on the way. The only suggestion that has come to mind from this whole experience is that it should be repeated. When new employees start or need a challenge...even if only to put on their evaluation. They should be given this opportunity.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Kudos to you Tech Trek committee! Thanks for the experience!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Quest 12....Part 2

Part Two: PodcastsTake a look at one or two of the podcast directories listed and see if you can find a podcast that interests you. See if you can find some interesting library-related podcasts like book review podcasts or library news. Create a blog post about your discovery process. Did you find anything useful here?

I never got to check out the yahoo podcasts but looked at the other two. I liked the feel of Podcast.net best. The first podcast I looked at was knitgail which ended up being very boring and tedious. I didn't even finish it. The next one that caught my eye was Biltmore Insider (http://www.podcast.net/play/52259/1). My sisters and I just took a trip to Biltmore and enjoyed their vineyard very much. The wine tasting was very fun and we learned a lot. As for library related posts, I found several using a keyword search, but nothing was of interest so I didn't finish one. I can see the usefulness to libraries in getting out info to patrons, but unless it was in a very obvious way I don't imagine people searching the web for podcasts about using the dewi decimal system.

My overall opinion is that every one has one (opinion that is) and now there is nothing that will stop them from sharing it (other than not searching in the first place)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Quest 12....Part One......You Tube

You tube is a part of every day online life. You can't surf the web without coming across some video related to a search you've just done or a Myspace profile that doesn't have at least one on it. The site is very easy and strait forward to use if you are conducting a search. I have never made a you tube video but know people who have.

Most of the stuff is mind numbing but every now and then you come across something worth while. But most of the time it's just for fun. I could see the Library using this site to make videos of programs like the one on the Tech Trek blog so the public can know what we do for the community. Video's made could be posted to the library's site and would be a very direct way of showing them what we do.

Due to the recent Harry Potter mania and controversy, I chose this You Tube video. Great satire, especially if you are a fan and can get all their references.