Monday, October 22, 2007

Quest 11....Online apps.

For this Discovery Exercise, participants are asked to take a look at a web-based word processing tool, create a simple document and then write about your discoveries in your blog. Of course, if you're up to a challenge, you might even export your document as an HTML file or publish it through Zoho to your blog. With Zoho and other web-based applications, the possibilities are endless!

Since I'm a member of Google I chose to use their Google Docs. I have never used it before today. I didn't even know it existed, and I have always considered myself pretty up to date as far as computers go.

Anyway, this Friday is Aiden's very first camp out with the cub scouts. (and popcorn is on sale now for anyone interested-I have the order form at my desk ;o) And since we are going camping I figured I would make a list of things for the camp-out.

Haunted Cub Scout Camp Out

Overall I must say I think it is great. I don't know how much I will use it but it's great knowing it's there!

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